Make sure that the firm's insurance cover is adequate. 确保该公司上了足够的保险。
If my medical insurance cover this? 我的医疗保险承担者险费用吗?
There are property taxes, utility bills and upkeep, insurance cover, possibly gardening or service charges, and so forth. Taxes, fees and furnishings incurred when you buy the property all add to the initial outlay. 第二居所还涉及物业税、水电费和保养费、保险、可能还有园艺或服务支出等等。购房时产生的税费和装修费用都要加到初始开支里。
Will the insurance cover it? 保险范围包括它吗?
Will my traveler's insurance cover this? 我的旅行保险范围包括这个吗?
Private insurance cover is provided by insurance companies in the form of an extension to fire policies and may include risks as: flood, storm, earthquake, subside. 保险公司采取火险保单扩展条款的形式提供的私人保险保障,主要保障洪水、暴风雨、地震和地面下沉等风险。
Does my insurance cover all the costs? 我的保险可支付一切费用吗?
C ︰ Does the insurance cover damage caused in transit? 那保险包括运输所造成的损失吗?
Mr. Ruan wants us to arrange insurance cover for the shipments. 阮先生要我们给货物购买保险。
I plan to go to Australia with my wife and daughter. Will the insurance cover my child? 我计划与妻子和女儿去往澳洲,这保险计划会不会保障我的女儿呢?
First of all we'll have to book freight on a suitable vessel and arrange insurance cover. 首先我们得找条合适的轮船订舱位,并且投保。
We must increase the amount of insurance cover ( age) to include our new machinery. 我们必须增加保险额,以便把新机器列入投保范围。
The insurance cover is optional. 保险范围可以随意选择。
Will your insurance cover my purchase? 你的保险包括我买的东西吗?
Please give us the premium rate for fpa coverage and for wpa coverage. The wpa insurance cover more risk than the fpa. 请告知我们平安险和水渍险的保险费率。水渍险所负的保险责任比平安险要宽些。
Based on major illness health insurance cover, the system follows a payment plan by the individual, financial support from the collective, and subsidies from the government. 基于主要疾病健康保险,这保险系统由个人付费计划,集体财政支持,政府补贴组成。
Such partners should carry adequate insurance cover against accident and illness; the shipowners should give every assistance to the seafarer to effect such insurance. 此类伴侣应带有充分的事故和疾病保险;船东应为海员获得这种保险给予一切帮助。
Does the company carry insurance cover in compliance with legal and customer requirements? 贵公司是否根据法律和客户的要求安排必要的保险?
Different types of insurance cover are available in UK. 不同种类的保险,可在英国。
The insurance cover driver driving in the countries of the common market. 此项保险适用于在欧共体成员国驾驶的司机。
Premium: Money paid by the insured to the insurer in return for insurance cover. 保险费:指保险客户为获取保险币向承保人所支付的费用。
What does this insurance cover? 这项保险包括什么内容?
We have arranged the necessary insurance cover. 我们已安排投保了必要的险别。
According to the report, well-targeted cash transfer programs protect the extreme poor in the region, but pensions, unemployment, and health insurance cover only a minority of workers. 报告还指出,有明确针对性的现金援助项目可保护本地区的极端贫困人口,但养老金、失业保险和医疗保险仅覆盖少部分工人。
Does this insurance cover the passengers, too? 这个保险包括同行者吗?
Max: Will insurance cover me for things like that? 麦克斯:这些事情,保险会给我保障吗?
The bank advised us that we should increase our insurance cover. 银行建议我们应该扩大保险范围。
Insurance cover against all types of risk. The couple did not have social security. 保所有风险的保险。两位老人没有社会保险。